What are training resources on diversity?


Diversity Training UCI Diversity Resources UC Learning Center


  • Workshops and online classes are available through the UCLC for all staff.
  • A number of programs and organizations are available at UCI that focus on diversity.

Common Learning and Development Questions


The Office of Inclusive Excellence oversees institutional accountability, mounts education and training programs, conducts responsive research, and builds partnerships with universities and colleges dedicated to inclusive excellence.

The Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (OEOD) is responsible for the university’s compliance with federal and state laws and university policies and procedures regarding discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence and retaliation, as well as the university’s affirmative action obligations as a federal contractor.

Advisory Council on Campus Climate, Culture, and Inclusion - As part of a UC-wide initiative, this multiconstituency advisory committee monitors and considers the interpersonal and intergroup atmosphere on campus, and advises the chancellor on ways to further the spirit of inclusion and community.

Diversity Affinity Groups - These groups foster cross-departmental social interaction, professional networking, cultural competencies, recruiting and mentoring

Center for Educational Partnerships (CFEP) - creates collaborations that support preparation for and success in higher education. Its focus is on equity and access for all students in order to achieve UC's goal of academic excellence.

UCI ADVANCE Program - This program carries out the campus's commitment to gender equity and diversity among faculty through a team of equity advisors who monitor recruitment activities, coordinate advising for career advancement, and counsel faculty regarding equity, including salary.

The Diversity Opportunities database connects faculty with the wide range of offices, programs and initiatives that promote equity, diversity and inclusion.

Diverse Educational Community and Doctoral Experience (DECADE) Program - aims to increase the number of minorities and women underrepresented in their disciplines receiving doctoral degrees at UCI.

Partnership for Adaptation, Implementation & Dissemination - PAID is a National Science Foundation-funded program that assists senior administrators, deans and chairs in advancing gender equity and diversity among faculty.

UCI's Small Business Program helps departments establish and maintain access to equal opportunity for the purchase of goods and services in accordance with university policy.