What are guidelines for reference checking and degree/certification verification?


Info, How To, and FAQ's Tools, Forms, Checklists, etc.
Reference Check Form How to Schedule a Background Check (Staff)
Sample Questions to Ask During a Reference Check How to Conduct Reference Checks


Reference Checking:

Reference checking is performed before extending a job offer. The hiring manager or supervisor is the best person to perform reference checking. Finalist candidates can be asked for a list of references that may include current or previous supervisors, clients or customers, co-workers or others that are familiar with the candidate's work history. If the work history is minimal, personal references or references from school or volunteer associations may be used. The recommended appropriate number is 3 to 5 references.

  1. Prepare carefully before conducting a reference check – ask candidate for a list of references.
    • Set up a telephone appointment with the references provided by the applicant
    • Write down questions before the reference call that highlight the information you want verified or expanded upon.
  2. Set up an environment that encourages the reference to respond willingly, cooperatively, and honestly.
    • Begin the conversation referring to information that has already been provided by the candidate.
    • The conversation could begin with “I'm calling to verify information provided by Mary Roe."
  3. In addition to prepared questions, be sure to ask follow-up questions for added clarification. 
    • If a general response is given such as “she’s great!” follow up with a specific question such as “What did she do to merit that compliment?” and/or “Please give me a specific example of those types of situations and their outcomes?” 
    • If the reference provider declines to answer a question, ask if there is someone else who might be able to share information about the topic.

Contact a UCI Human Resources Recruiter for further assistance.

Degree/Certification Verification:

For degree verifications, contact a UCI Human Resources Recruiter for further assistance.

When to Verify:

  • When positions require a specific degree, certification or license.
  • When there are plans to offer additional compensation for holding a non-required degree, certificate or license.

Leading practice: Verify before the employment offer.

How to Verify:

  • Contact a UCI Human Resources Recruiter for further assistance. Recruiters partner with a vendor (Hire Right) to complete the degree verification process.


Do not use social media to perform reference checks as such resources may violate non-discrimination acts and policies; and laws prohibiting employers from intruding upon an applicant’s legal, off duty conduct. This includes:

  • Google searches
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter

Caution: Be aware that notes, records, and even cell phone hard drives can be subpoenaed if an applicant wishes to make allegations of unfair bias and discriminatory practices of a potential employer. 

Common Hiring Questions


Reference checks allow the supervisor to verify the information already provided by the job applicant, and to ask about performance and accomplishments which may include verification of finalists’ employment, degree, education, certification, and licenses.

References can provide valuable insight into a candidate's work style, attitude, successes, and failures in the past. Checking in with a reference is a crucial part in vetting a candidate for employment.

Degree or certification verification confirms an applicant's credentials by verifying that a degree, certificate or diploma was received. Verifications can be conducted worldwide and are obtained either directly from an institution or from its authorized agent.