Examples of fraud in the workplace can be:
- Unrecorded vacation and sick leave
- Stealing cash or equivalent (inventory/equipment/supplies)
- Payroll (falsified overtime, ghost employee, etc.)
- Use of corporate credit cards for unauthorized purchases
- Fabricated receipts
- Fictitious travel vouchers or purchase orders (ghost vendors)
- Unauthorized personnel signing approval documents (forgery)
- Falsified transaction details/false mileage
- University resources used for personal gain
- Entertainment without legitimate business purpose
Poor internal controls often contribute to the occurrence of fraudulent behavior. Examples include:
- Lack of separation of duties
- No ledger reviews or reconciliation of charges
- Lack of management oversite
Examples of punitive actions that can occur if found guilty of fraudulent behavior:
- Immediate investigatory leave (if investigation results in a guilty determination, termination is the next step)
- Criminal charges brought for fraud, grand theft by embezzlement
- Prison
- Restitution
For further assistance with finding solutions that strengthen your internal controls and help you manage risk, consult with the Internal Audit Services unit.
WAYS TO PREVENT LIABILITYConsult with the Internal Audit and Internal Controls unit to: