There are several types of salary actions that can result in an increase to an employee’s base salary. Prior to taking action, supervisors should take into consideration that actions taken may be affected by:
- Budget
- Employee’s probationary status
- Employee’s FLSA (exempt/non-exempt) status
- Terms of employee’s Collective Bargaining Agreement (union contract) if applicable
An employee’s base salary can be increased via:
- Promotion
- Upward reclassification
- Lateral transfer
- Equity increase
- Changes to minimum of salary range
In addition to individual salary actions, an employee’s base salary may change due to a systemwide merit salary program. The guidelines for the merit program are developed by UCOP and administered at the campus level. An employee’s eligibility for a merit would depend on a number of factors including:
- Appointment type
- Probationary status
- Performance
- Placement within the salary range
Note: Increased workload or longevity are generally not reasons an individual would receive a pay increase.
Across the Board (ATB) is frequently found in collective bargaining agreements; an across-the-board increase is either a flat rate or set percentage of increase given to all eligible employees.
Promotion is the change of an employee from one position to another position which has a higher salary range maximum.
Exempt Position is a position not subject to the overtime provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Exempt employees are not paid for overtime hours worked and are not required to adhere to time record keeping for pay purposes.
Non-Exempt Position is a position subject to the minimum wage and overtime pay provisions of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Non-exempt employees are paid for all hours worked in excess of 40 in a workweek. Functions of a non-exempt employee typically involve the performance of routine duties adhering to established policies and procedures.
FLSA is the Fair Labor Standards Act, a federal law governing pay practices.
Equity adjustment is a salary change outside of normal salary programs (promotions, reclassifications, merits, etc.) to remedy salary issues such as external pressure in high demand areas, internal salary compression, and/or retention considerations. Equity adjustments are not granted to reward performance.
Reclassification, Upward is the movement of an employee's current position to a different class or salary grade having a higher salary range maximum.
Reclassification, Downward is the movement of an employee's current position to a different class or salary grade having a lower salary range maximum.
Reclassification, Lateral is the movement of an employee's current position to a different class having the same salary range maximum.