How to Use the Supervisor Guide
When employees have questions or situations arise involving human resources and performance management-related policies, procedures, or practices, supervisors can use this guide as a quick reference to get answers. Options for using the guide include:
- Resource: Use as a reference for researching human resource policies, procedures and practices questions
- Learning: Use as a tool for enhancing knowledge of human resource policies, procedures and practices
Overview and Purpose of the Guide
Supervisors are expected to develop and have a working knowledge of key employee-related policies, procedures, and practices so that answers and resolution of staff issues can be addressed efficiently at a department level as much as possible. A supervisor's repsonse or lack of response to a situation can determine the outcome....This guide provides supervisors with a “one-stop” source of answers and links to frequently asked human resource and performance management questions and issues. Subjects are organized to facilitate quick and accurate answers to basic questions and issues. Sources include:
- UC/UCI Policies and Procedures
- UC/UCI informative websites (processes, forms, checklists, how-to's, etc.)
- State and Federal statutes and laws