What resource(s) are available for managers/supervisors to serve as a role model?


Info, How To, and FAQ's Tools, Forms, Checklists, etc. Policies, Procedures, Laws, Contacts
UCI Wellness Events Wellness Toolkit for Managers and Supervisors PPT (UC Riverside) UCI Wellness-Related Policies and Guidelines
UCI Wellness Workshops and Webinars The Transtheoretical Model (Stages of Change)
UCI Wellness Programs and Challenges


  • Leaders at all levels have a responsibility for shaping the workplace culture.
  • Management support is critical to the success of any wellness initiative.
    • Studies show that management style and perception of management support are strong influences on participation in worksite wellness/health promotion programs.
  • Serve as a role model by participating in the wellness program and by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
    • Consider becoming a Wellness Ambassador.
  • Communicate the importance of healthy lifestyles to increased productivity, energy, improved mental health and function.
  • Note: When changing health behaviors, individuals go through different stages of change.  Different strategies are most effective at each of these stages.  Paying attention to an employee’s current stage can determine how a supervisor can influence their employee to move to the next stage of change.